![How To Make Email Subscription Box On Blogger How To Make Email Subscription Box On Blogger](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOBnOc03RL4Lc65TUfAEaViAJRwlfJjR6twlIUWD0TyZ0wFm-do4xAf-OnB3k9y67bcFYTwwuMXDgnVndK-RfDXFybor2B7EuvzS1QK82kqYCRIxa0P56ICQUSt7OZ9rhjeMLBJZ_4O26w/s1600/How+To+Make+Email+Subscription+Box+On+Blogger.jpg)
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
In this edition article I will share tutorial "How To Make Email Subscription Box On Blogger".
This widget is supporting the popularity for the blogger to get a lot of customers because of the quality of the articles posted on their blog, you should know that as a blogger you will get customers if the quality of your articles. The quality that include you post an article that is needed by the visitors and the visitors were amazed at your article or blog as a whole, it would appear if your article is easy to understand point and zoom entertaining especially thorough look at the body of your blog. The quality will increase the interest of your readers.
Email subscription widget is designed in many styles, there are simple to cool as I share in this article. Shape responsive and cool so that it looks modern and able to make your blog look beautiful and modern.
Here are the features possessed by email subscription widget that I share in this edition of the article:
1. Full display memorable reminds visitors to subscribe.
2. Lightweight, because resurrected with CSS and JavaScript are very lightly so as not to burden your blog. Activities and loading your blog is not disturbed.
3. Equipped with the "Close" button so as not to disturb visitors who want to read your blog posts.
4. Responsive device display Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
I highly recommend this for your widget, prior to the tutorial would be nice if you see the results first⇩
If you like it, let into the tutorial⇨
1. Login to Blogger➤Template➤Edit HTML, CSS continues to place the following above / before the ]]></b:skin> tags⇩
Email Subscription Box By www.BloggerDiscreet.com
#sub-box {display:none;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.9);width:100%;height:100%;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:99999;}
#boxclose {width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);}
#boxview {background:#fff;border:8px solid #fff;width:600px;height:250px;position:absolute;top:33%;left:28%;}
#closebox {float:right;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;right:-1px;top:-2px;}
#closebox:before {content:"Close";padding:5px 8px;background:#fff;color:#48cb7a;font-weight:normal;font-size:12px;font-family:Open sans;}
#boxlink,#boxlink a.visited,#boxlink a,#boxlink a:hover {color:#aaaaaa;font-size:9px;text-decoration:none;text-align:center;padding:5px;}
#subscribe-box {width:600px;height:250px;background-color:#02BA74;}
#subscribe-box p {font-family:'Open Sans';font-size:18px;color:#fff;line-height:20px;padding:10px 20px 0 20px;margin:0;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield {padding:0px 20px 10px;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield input {background:#f9f9f9;color:#bbb;padding:10px;margin-top:10px;font-size:13px;font-family:'Open Sans';width:96.3%;border:0;transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield input:focus {background:#fff;outline:none;color:#888;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield .submitbutton {background:#444;color:#fff;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:normal;font-size: 16px;border:none;outline:none;width:100%;cursor:pointer;border-radius:3px;transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield .submitbutton:active {outline:none;border:none;background:#fff;color:#e25734;}
#subscribe-box .emailfield .submitbutton:hover{background:#fff;color:#444;}
Save Template.2. Go to Layout➤Add a Gadget➤HTML / JavaScript, continue to place the following JavaScript into it⇩
<!-- Email Subscription Box By www.BloggerDiscreet.com Starts -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
// Cookie Setting
if (arguments.length > 1 && String(value) !== "[object Object]") {
options = jQuery.extend({}, options);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
options.expires = -1;
if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);
value = String(value);
return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=',
options.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '',
options.secure ? '; secure' : ''
// cookie
options = value || {};
var result, decode = options.raw ? function (s) { return s; } : decodeURIComponent;
return (result = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null;
<script type='text/javascript'>
if($.cookie('popup_facebook_box') != 'yes'){
$('#closebox, #boxclose').click(function(){
<div id='sub-box'>
<div id='boxclose'>
<div id='boxview'>
<div id='closebox'>
<div id='subscribe-box'>
<center><p>Subscribe for Latest Update</p></center>
<div class='emailfield'>
<form action='http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=YOUR-USER-NAME' method='post' onsubmit='window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=YOUR-USER-NAME, 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' target='popupwindow'>
<input type='text' name='name' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Your Name";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Your Name") {this.value = "";}' value='Your Name'/>
<input type='text' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Your Email";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Your Email") {this.value = "";}' value='Your Email'/>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='YOUR-USER-NAME'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input class='submitbutton' type='submit' value='Subscribe Now!'/>
<!-- Email Subscription Box By www.BloggerDiscreet.com Ends -->
Note: Replace the words blue "YOUR-USER-NAME" to your FeedBurner Username.Alhamdulillaah, tutorial is ready.
If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!Thank You.
Feel free to share this article with your friends on social media, so that they too can benefit from this article!Alhamdulillaah
Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
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