Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
In this article I will share how to install Font Awesome on Blogger.
Font Awesome is a character or symbol or icon beautiful / beautiful and awesome used on blogs or websites or portals to beautify its appearance and also to make it easier for visitors to access the website or blog. Unlike Google Fonts, which is owned by Google letters or characters that are used on your website or blog. Use Google Fonts and Font Awesome is an optimization on a website or blog.
The icon is a symbol that can convey the information signs and really help people understand instructions, signs, and interfaces. It is very important for you to create and use these icons so that they can reach the largest number. Icons used for decoration or original visual style, if you use the icon to add a few frills, it does not have to be announced to users as they browse the Web site or blog or aurally application. Additionally, if you use this icon to re-emphasize or add visual styles to the content that already exists in your HTML, and do not need to be repeated to help users who use the technology.
Website or your blog look professional, neat and pamper its visitors so that visitors miss your web site or blog, especially for visitors who love art or beauty. Visitors will surely be curious about your website or blog, they might want to have a blog site such as website or blog. This is a prospective and will be your customers, try to imagine what might be the person who has no art or beauty will teach about art or beauty? of course not possible. So this is where you realize your ambitions as a professional Blogger or Blogger rare in a discreet manner or Blogger Discreet.
Before we get into the tutorial, it would be nice if you see the results before the result of the following⇩
That explanation from me and we go straight to the point.
I will guide you in using the Font Awesome 4.0.3
I believe it would be useful to your Webmaster and Blogger.
1. Put the following link below / after the <head> tags
➤Link 1⇩
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
➤Link 2⇩
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet'/>
2. For the application in HTML, such as Dropdown Menu, use the tags "fa".
<li><a href='/' title='Home'><i class="fa fa-home"></i> HOME</a></li>
3. Alhamdulillaah, tutorial is ready.
If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!Thank You.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
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