Quality Backlinks For Blogger

Quality Backlinks For Blogger
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

To develop a blog so pupular, the necessary number of visitors or a large readership on the blog. Among the sources to get a lot of visitors that organic visitors from search engines. Now I will share how to have your blog can get in on the position of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is good and right? One among the many important factors that influence is obtained backlinks on the blog.

Although backlinks obtained a very berengaruh blog in the blog rankings on the SERP, but the reality is crowded bloggers who still do not know what kind of quality backlinks it. Therefore, from now on you should be more diligent in looking for information and trying to get quality backlinks to boost PageRank and rankings on the SERP blog.

Backlink Function

Backlink serves to increase the blog's position on the SERP. The more quality backlinks is obtained, then the value of the blog PageRank will increase and the higher the PageRank values ??obtained the position on the SERP blog will also be good. The better position on the SERP blog it will make potential visitors or readers of the blog becomes increasingly crowded. So if more visitors or readers to a blog it will make the increasingly popular blog from time to time.

Feature Quality Backlink

As to whether the characteristics of quality backlinks that can improve the position of a blog in the SERP?

1. Originating from dofollow blogs.
dofollow blog is a blog that provides backlinks to any link contained on the blog page, eg link on comments, link to the blogroll, through a link on the widget used. For a fuller explanation of the dofollow blog, please read nofollow And dofollow Difference On Blogger.

2. A high PageRank.
If there is a blog that receive backlinks from other blogs with high PageRank then it could have been ascertained if the backlink received from these blogs is a very high quality backlinks. Most blogs are dofollow high PageRank because they also want to take advantage of the PageRank to attract a lot of comments from readers. Thus, to get a backlink quality, you just simply look for blogs with high PageRank and are dofollow then diligent comment and do not forget to leave a link to your blog in the comments profile.

3. The relevant themes.
Quality backlinks obtained by a blog should also be derived from other blogs with the same topic of discussion course. With the same topic relevance that will make the search engine robots increasingly easy to categorize blog backlink receiver as a reliable reference blog so it will be able to improve its position on the SERP.

4. Anchor text is correct.
A backlink is received by a blog should be derived from the arrangement of anchor text and blog URL is correct. For example, the blog a wants to give backlink to the blog address at bloggerdiscreet.com. For that, it must use the given backlink anchor text that matches the URL of the blog that is Learning Blogger Discreet, instead of a niche blog that is not appropriate or niche difference between the two blogs.

5. The placement of backlink.
The quality of a backlink received by a blog is also determined by the location of the existing placements on a blog backlink backlink providers. This is because the placement of backlink at the correct position and will facilitate the search engine robots to crawl and index your blog URL listed earlier. Ideally, good backlinks that are placed on the front page of the blog and are on the sidebar of the blog.

Quality backlinks that must be owned by a blog if you want to have a good SERP position. To get it, you must be diligent to comment on DoFollow blogs to ask loyal readers to provide backlinks to your blog from their blog. My question is, if all this time you've got enough quality backlinks and based on the above criteria?
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.

If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!
Thank You.

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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
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